Origin is a new name for EA Download Manager is a simple application for downloading and playing games from Electronic Arts.
If you want to buy digital copies of games instead of Electronic Arts games, you need aplicacion.Ademais to download your Premium downloads, OriginAnd manages decrypting management games, and the installer starts to run. If the play is a DRM license (Digital Rights Management), this is similarly purchased.
In addition to downloading games, this app updates you with patches and updates for your games, so it will be updated. ImportantIt is worth noting that the non-originating games can not be started, as the DRM boot request system. Battlefield 3, 2011 will be released exclusively for PC originals.
The origin of the Managerdurchaus state is even though it is obviously limited to EA Games. Time will show if it is eitherDo not compteVapor.
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