BalunHassana’s parents died when he was young. Now all the adults, she returns from abroad and returns home to her village in Taiping to deal with issues related to the property of her late father, especially his father, Mr. Seman. Upon returning to the village, its inhabitants disdain cocaineA gambler, but many believe that he is like his father. Mr. Semana is shocked to learn that Hasan is still alive, instead of being killed along with his parents. Only Ein, daughterBef chief accidentally reveals the truth about Hassan’s deaths of his parents, however, I decided to helpSolve your emuchtobiProblem.
Language: Malay
Classification: P13
General Release Date: August 17, 2017
Genre: Action
Duration: 1 hour 29 minutes
Distributor Empire film Solution
Cast: Bet Kusiairi, Izar Aisha, Eizlan Yusof Rin Rahim
Director Bob Samac
Format: 2D
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Five years later, Susan SocietyThe Dutchman was forced to readBill in the intimate room three times a week because I was guilty because he was connected to the trafficking insider of her husband. It creates a terrible affair, which is why both of us should ask ourselves if it’s too late, or you can not find a Justice. But, when her husband is Susan, she has a technical oneThe way he is adopted. To choose between the man he loves and the man with whom he lived.