Doing an MBA outside of Brazil can be one of the most important decisions in a person's life. This decision will certainly change the way you look at work-related activities as well as your future decisions in the course of your life. The investment in time and money is high, but certainly will payback not only financially, but also for the networking and mainly for the rich experience of life outside Brazil. The correct search for a professional counseling of people who know the schools outside Brazil and also the knowledge of how to prepare correctly for the TOEFL, GMAT and the correct way to finalize an application, will be determining factors in the making the correct choice of the best school for your profile and for your future goals. The MBA Empresarial, led by Ricardo Betti, MBA from MIT, certainly offers the best preparation in Brazil so that you can get it right with your school and attain the best scores in the admission exams. This investment will certainly be of
great value for you to properly start this marathon called an MBA.
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