For more than 10 years MBA Business has been a part of my life, with a significant impact on my development. From coaching, developing skills and team building to recruiting talents and preparing for master's degrees in the best schools in the world. In each of these areas MBA Empresarial is an example of excellence, tireless commitment and, above all, results.
The experience with Ricardo Betti and the MBA Empresarial was fundamental in my cycle of approval for the MBA of Harvard Business School. Besides helping with how to structure my narrative and tell my story in an excellent way, Ricardo was important in helping me understand the different profile of each school and what choice would make more sense given my career and personal and professional goals. With the support of his work, I was accepted into the MBAs at Harvard, Stanford, Wharton and Chicago.
Without Ricardo, I would not have entered Columbia University for my Masters in International Relations. And without this diploma, I might not have become a correspondent for Estadão and a Globo News commentator in New York. I owe much of my career to him, who was able to structure my professional and academic history the best way possible.
A great institution such as Bradesco needs to have strategic partnerships to boost its results. This is the case of MBA Empresarial, which for 25 years has been assisting us in developing solutions that are fully adapted to our needs, especially in relation to human capital management. It is a valuable partnership for the commitment and competence of its professionals, in addition to the excellent quality in their service.
I met the team of MBA consultants in 2012, during a specialization course. I was delighted with the lesson and especially with the contagious energy of Professor Sandra Betti. Since then, we've done a lot of work together, including my coaching process of other leaders in our office. In-company training in the leadership area becomes a unique moment of self-knowledge and an extra dose of courage to face the everyday. In addition, since 2013 Professor Sandra is part of the Advisory Board of our office, supporting the partners in the strategic decisions of the company. I trust 100% in Sandra Betti and the MBA team.
One of the most transformative experiences of my life was, without a doubt, the MBA I did at MIT Sloan. The work of Ricardo Betti, from MBA Empresarial, was fundamental for me to achieve this project. His knowledge, dedication and availability have made a total difference in the choice of schools and especially in the preparation of the Applications.
MBA has a team of competent and passionate professionals ... they shine in the modalities they choose to act, I have already had the opportunity to hire their services for coaching, training and lectures, assessment and DNA identification of some teams, and the result was always extraordinary! Competent, ethical and brilliant partners ... very good to have you around ...
MBA has been a great partner of Editora Globo for many years and has always contributed important differentials to our training programs, lectures and assessment. It conducts work with ethics, professionalism and innovation, which helps us in the updating and implementation of the best HR practices.
Sandra is one of the best and most talented HR professionals I know. It brings together a unique combination of skills such as experience, technical and practical knowledge, networking, energy, and a unique ability to understand and help people develop their potential. So I had no doubts on who to look for when I decided to do the coaching job. Coaching with Sandra was, without a doubt, one of the most important experiences of self-knowledge and self-reflection that I have ever experienced. It was an opportunity to look at my professional trajectory, personal values and goals and evaluate how all of this was, in practice, connecting. More importantly, Sandra helped me identify professional and personal aspects that I had not seen so far, develop a plan to work my self-development, and give much more clarity to what I was doing. This job helped make a big change in my professional career and made me rediscover the pleasure of working with purpose.
O Ricardo Betti foi fundamental no meu ingresso, junto com a minha esposa, no INSEAD. Tudo começou um bom tempo antes da inscrição, quando ele, com seu profundo conhecimento em diversos MBAs pelo mundo, nos ajudou a ter certeza que queríamos ir para lá. Ele até mesmo nos auxiliou a tomar decisões de carreira em nossos últimos meses pré-aplicação, para construirmos histórias de vida que nos ajudassem no processo. Ser aprovado em uma instituição de ponta já é um desafio enorme por si só. Mas o Ricardo tirou o desafio de aprovar um casal inteiro de letra. Até hoje o recomendo para todos os meus amigos que pensam em fazer um MBA.
A MBA Empresarial foi fundamental para todo o processo de decisão e preparação para meu MBA no INSEAD. O processo foi quase como o primeiro período de autoconhecimento do MBA, essencial para “career changers” como eu, onde repensei minhas experiências, defini prioridades e juntos conseguimos garantir os próximos passos necessários! Não sei como agradecer todo o apoio recebido, recomendo a todos buscando cursar um MBA de ponta!
O Ricardo Betti me ajudou a contar da forma certa a minha história e foi fundamental para que o essay mais difícil do meu application acabasse sendo o melhor, isso me abriu as portas de Wharton!
Quando decidi fazer um MBA em Stanford, os prazos para o segundo round estavam a apenas três meses de distância. A admissão parecia um sonho distante, pois eu não estava familiarizada com o GMAT e com as perguntas dos essays. O Ricardo mostrou-me o caminho sobre como se preparar e planejar para alcançar os objetivos necessários dentro do prazo apertado. Foi uma ajuda inestimável! Fui admitida em Stanford e fiz amigos para toda a vida na MBA Empresarial.
Minha experiência com o Ricardo Betti foi um processo fantástico de autoconhecimento e planejamento de carreira. Através de conversas pessoais e francas, ele conseguiu identificar os meus pontos fortes e tornar meus essays muito mais efetivos e competitivos. O Ricardo consegue alavancar seu conhecimento profundo do processo de aplicação do MBA e dos diferentes perfis das escolas para orientar o candidato na escolha do programa que mais se adeque aos seus objetivos e expectativas. Recomendo fortemente toda equipe do MBA Empresarial para qualquer profissional considerando um mestrado no exterior.
O Ricardo Betti é a pessoa de escolha quando se trata de decidir se ou onde estudar no exterior. Nós mantivemos excelentes e reveladoras conversas que realmente moldaram o meu processo decisório. Sou muito grato a ele pelo tempo que trabalhamos juntos e o recomendo para qualquer pessoa pensando em buscar uma pós no exterior.