Admissions Consulting

With more than 25 years of experience, the MBA Counseling area aims to guide professionals who wish to pursue an MBA abroad (or other programs, such as LLM, undergrad, etc.). The orientation goes through all stages of the application process: from choosing the program suited to your needs, to preparing for the admissions process for the world’s most competitive business schools, such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford, among others. Almost 2,000 clients have already been served, with a 92% approval rate and more than 3,000 attained admissions, out of which 76% lie in the top 15 business schools in the USA, and the top 3 in Europe. The guidance on the strategies and the preparation of applications is personalized and individual. In order to offer a full-service solution to our customers, MBA Empresarial has teamed up with Philadelphia Consulting, JCaro and The MBA Wire, and internationally with Veritas Prep, a global leader in online preparation for the GMAT. From this strategic alliance MBA Talent was born, which brings together some of the most experienced admissions consulting professionals in Latin America: Ricardo Betti, Maurício Betti, Júlio Caro, Paulo César Oliveira, Neusa Oliveira and Mateo Chang. In addition, MBA Recruitment and Selection services are also offered to companies that wish to fill their positions with highly qualified professionals, thus closing the professional development cycle of our clients: from preparing for the MBA to accessing the job market.

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To whom it is intended

  • Professionals with full college education who wish to apply for an MBA or LLM, MSc, MPP and PhD abroad
  • Companies that want to sponsor employees to pursue an MBA abroad
  • Family businesses that wish to develop heirs through courses abroad, aiming at succession plans

What to expect

  • Assessment of potential and surveying of educational needs
  • Choice of MBA program – “Matching”
  • Recommendation of sworn translators and TOEFL and GMAT preparatory courses
  • Applications Review, including essays, CVs and other materials
  • Guidance on positioning strategies and interview techniques
  • Guidance on grants and financing

Know the opinion from those who have already hired

  • Minha experiência com o Ricardo Betti foi um processo fantástico de autoconhecimento e planejamento de carreira. Através de conversas pessoais e francas, ele conseguiu identificar os meus pontos fortes e tornar meus essays muito mais efetivos e competitivos. O Ricardo consegue alavancar seu conhecimento profundo do processo de aplicação do MBA e dos diferentes perfis das escolas para orientar o candidato na escolha do programa que mais se adeque aos seus objetivos e expectativas. Recomendo fortemente toda equipe do MBA Empresarial para qualquer profissional considerando um mestrado no exterior.
    Daniel Kuhl, MBA MIT ’08 President, Kraft Heinz Company – PNG
  • When the bank where I worked offered me a sponsorship for a master's degree in administration abroad, Ricardo Betti was the one who prepared me. It helped me in studying, being accepted, and choosing the university. He is a brilliant professional, perhaps the most qualified person on this subject that can be found, not only in Brazil!
    Rodolfo Henrique Fischer, MBA MIT ‘90 Financial Markets Executive
  • I am a graduate of Stern-NYU's 2003 class. I met Ricardo Betti and MBA Empresarial when preparing my applications for universities and MBA courses. Ricardo - with his tireless patience and valuable opinions - was of fundamental importance to my application process and in my choice regarding which MBA to attend. Today I am a Director of a multinational company, a market leader and reference in our segment. Much of the success of my career and the professional that I am today is due to my MBA - and consequently to the work done with Betti. I'm certain that he and his company are some of the best - if not the best! - choices in this arduous process. Good luck!
    David Sion Turkie, MBA NYU Stern ‘03 Sales Director at FOX – WARNER
  • The MBA Empresarial is the right consultancy for professionals seeking a first-rate MBA outside of Brazil. The application process is very different from that which is experienced with the local schools and makes the candidate immerse into himself/herself, exponentially increasing his/her degree of self-knowledge, and evaluate his/her past, present and future professional development process. Ricardo Betti can help candidates see their strengths and weaknesses, which schools fit into their personal and professional goals, and how an MBA abroad can bring a return.
    Fabio Matsui, MBA Berkeley ‘03 Managing Partner at Cypress (M&A)
  • Those who have studied at one of the best universities and business schools in the world have surely heard several times: "those were the best two years of my life" or "one of my MBA colleagues was appointed CEO"! Because of this I'm not surprised with the fact that my best friends have studied with me at Wharton and that Sundar Pichai, Wharton Grad 2002, has been named CEO of Google. Whether from personal experience or professional perspective, one of the critical factors to be accepted into a top school is self-knowledge to know "what matters most to you, and why?" (Classic Stanford question)! And it was precisely in this aspect that MBA Empresarial made all the difference for me. Ricardo Betti, the best MBA coach in my opinion, made me know myself more as a human being, be proud of my achievements, and know what made me the most difference as a candidate. Coaching is not telling you what you should write in applications, but rather, asking the questions and reflections that lead the candidate to make the decisions and the most appropriate choices. I was very happy and proud when I saw that Ricardo wrote a chapter in the book "Vale a Pena" telling my story. I have no doubt that this story would have been different had it not been for MBA Empresarial. After years of financial market experience with treasury, asset management, investor relations and equity research, I am currently working with HR talent from a large bank, and my tip for anyone who wants to pursue their MBA in one of the world's top business schools is to count on the support of MBA Empresarial!
    Regina Longo Sanchez, MBA Wharton ‘03 Head of Talent & HR Analytics at Itaú Unibanco
  • The Business MBA has been with me at very important moments in my life. Our relationship began when I participated in the selection process for the Itaú internship program. The professionalism impressed me, although they made the mistake of approving me in the process!: ) Afterwards, MBA Empresarial helped me in another very important stage: the MBA. I was approved in the 4 schools that I applied to on the first round and the advice and support of Ricardo were fundamental. With so much help, I built a relationship of friendship and affection that transpires whenever we meet. Thanks for everything!
    Antonio Serrano Bezerra Jr, MBA Chicago ‘08 General Manager at Votorantim Cimentos